Friday 11 March 2011

Invasion of the Angry Hippies ...and what is in the cellar...?

Bloody Hippies.

Can i say that again?

Bloody Hippies!

Ah....that feels better. :-)

Ok, the reason for my outburst on our fine flared friends. Today we went to the DLs Temple as its his 2 day teaching very soon and so anyone attending has to go and try to reserve a place to sit on the floor. They key word here is TRY.

So we watched a couple of Japanese carefully place a piece of blue plastic sheeting on the floor to clearly mark out where they and their friends wanted to sit. Then only a few minutes later, in front of them, this hippy in his late forties with silly hat, and multicoloured loon jacket walked in front of them, pulled their sheet to one side and slapped several pieces of cardboard down for him and his hippy friends, marking the temple floor with a black pen to stake his territory. An angry discussion took place watched by a hippy couple of the american variety (equally silly hats and lots of woolen garments) glaring at all passers by as they too now had their place staked. At the FRONT. FIRST.

...SO THERE...

Wasn't this meant to be about Buddhism....?? Hey ho.

Other Things.

We moved into the second guesthouse last night. From Hotel Tibet to Hotel India house. Diane got an upstairs delux room. I got a downstairs semi delux room. By semi delux, i think they meant 'Butlins chalet 1962'. Only in the basement. Under the kitchen. In fact just descending the stairs is a challenge unless you are 5 foot tall as there isn't quite enough headroom for someone of the 5 foot 10 variety.

Anyhow at least its quiet down there...

In the dark....

Mwuh ha haaaaa!


Ps: the strangest film in the world of a day or two ago is: Quick Gun Murugun. Google it. Or check this link.